
Cover by Konstantin Dmitriev and Anastasia Madzegieva
Work in progress
My research passion these days is in dying media infrastructures. Studying the end of life of large scale communication networks, and the politics of power and inequality that arise in dismantling will be my focus in the next 5 years, as part of my ProFutura Scientia XVII Fellowship that I was awarded in 2022. My core empiric focus is the ongoing dismantling of the copper telephone landline network in Sweden.
In the meantime I am wrapping up the work of my past 6 years on the relations between data and energy in my book, Bits and Watts.
Read my recent blog post on data centers, energy and public values in the Nordics
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
2024 Governing Digital Infrastructures for a Secure and Sustainable Future (Mollen, Anne and Keilbach, Judith and Brodie, Patrick and Jancovic, Marek and Helmond, Anne and Crosera, Arianna and Velkova, Julia and Ochner, Valentina and Maxigas, Maxigas and Jansen, Fieke)
2023 (with Vicki Mayer) This site is a dead end? Employment uncertainties and labor in data centers. The Information Society.
2023 Retrofitting and Ruining: Bunkered Data Centers in and Out of Time. New Media & Society 25 (2)
2021 (with Patrick Brodie) Cloud Ruins: Ericsson’s Vaudreuil Data Centre and Infrastructural Abandonement. Information, Communication & Society.
2021 Thermopolitics of Data: Cloud Infrastructures and Energy Futures. Cultural Studies.
2020 The Art of Guarding the Russian Cloud: Infrastructural Labour in a Yandex Data Centre in Finland. Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media [pdf] – visual essay
2019 Data Centres as Impermanent Infrastructures. In Culture Machine, vol. 18. [pdf]
2016 Data that warms: Waste heat, infrastructural convergence and the computation traffic commodity. Big Data & Society 3 (2): 1 – 10. [pdf]
Special Issues
2023 (with Jean-Christophe Plantin) Data centers and the infrastructural temporalities of digital media New Media & Society, vol 25:2
Detailed List of Publications
If you can not find some text, please drop me a line.
(2023) (with Lisa Parks and Sander De Ridder) Introduction. In Media Backends: Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical Relations, edited by Lisa Parks, Julia Velkova, and Sander De Ridder. University of Illinois Press.
(2023) (with Vicki Mayer) The Social Mapping of Hyperscale Data Center Regions: Placemaking, Infrastructuring, Curating. In Media Backends: Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical Relations, edited by Lisa Parks, Julia Velkova, and Sander De Ridder. University of Illinois Press.
(2023) Data centers and the infrastructural temporalities of digital media: An introduction. New Media & Society 25 (2).
(2023) (with Vicki Mayer) This site is a dead end? Employment uncertainties and labor in data centers. The Information Society.
(2023) (co-written with A.R.E. Taylor, Alix Johnson, Pat Brodie, Clément Marquet, Andrea Pollio, Liza Cirolia and Nathalie Ortar) Powering ‘smart’ futures: data centres and the energy politics of digitalisation . In: Simone Abram , Karen Waltorp , Nathalie Ortar and Sarah Pink (Eds.) Energy Futures: Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life. De Gruyter.
(2022) (with Harald Rohracher and Dick Magnusson) Smart Thermostats and the Algorithmic Control of Thermal Comfort. In: Sarah Pink, Martin Berg, Deborah
Lupton and Minna Ruckenstein (eds.) Everyday Automation: Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technologies. Routledge: London and New York.
(2021) (with A.R.E. Taylor) Sensing Data Centres. In: Nina Klimburg-Witjes, Nikolaus Pöchhacker and Geoffrey C. Bowker, Sensing (In-) Security. Mattering Press.
2021 (with Patrick Brodie) Cloud Ruins: Ericsson’s Vaudreuil Data Centre and Infrastructural Abandonement. Information, Communication & Society.
2021 Thermopolitics of Data: Cloud Infrastructures and Energy Futures. Cultural Studies.
2021 (with Frans Libertsson and Jenny Palm) Data-center infrastructure and energy gentrification: perspectives from Sweden. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 17 (1). [pdf]
2020 The Art of Guarding the Russian Cloud: Infrastructural Labour in a Yandex Data Centre in Finland. Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media [pdf] – visual essay
2020 The Ethics of Reciprocal Communication. In: Jeppesen S and Sartoretto P (eds) Media Activist Research Ethics. S.l.: Palgrave Macmillan.
2020 (with Göran Bolin) Audience Metric Continuity? Approaching the Meaning of Measurement in the Digital Everyday. Media, Culture & Society. [pdf]
2019 Data Centres as Impermanent Infrastructures. In Culture Machine‘s special issue on data centres edited by Asta Vonderau and Mél Hogan.
2019 (with Anne Kaun) Algorithmic Resistance: Media practices and the politics of repair. Information, Communication and Society
2019 (with Anne Kaun) Automated Decision-Making in Sweden. In: Spielkamp M (ed.) Automating Society. Taking Stock of Automated Decision Making in the EU. Berlin: AlgorithmWatch, pp. 125–131.
2019 (with Minna Ruckenstein) Automated Decision-Making in Finland. In: Spielkamp M (ed.) Automating Society. Taking Stock of Automated Decision Making in the EU. Berlin: AlgorithmWatch, pp. 55–64.
2018 (with Ingrid Forsler) Efficient Worker or Reflective Practitioner? Competing Technical Rationalities of Media Software Tools. In: Bilić P, Primorac J and Valtysson B (eds), Technologies of Labour and the Politics of Contradiction, Palgrave.
2018 Studying Emerging Data Practices: Creating a Cultural Biography of Objects through Using the Web as an Ethnographic Resource. In SAGE Research Methods Cases, SAGE. Contribution commissioned by SAGE (requires login)
2017 Media Technologies in the Making: User-driven Software and Infrastructure for Computer Graphics Production. Doctoral dissertation. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola. In 2019 my dissertation was awarded 2nd prize for best doctoral thesis in Media and Communication Studies in Sweden, by the Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research (FSMK).
2017 Repairing and developing software infrastructures: The case of Morevna Project in Russia. New Media & Society. Published ahead of print: October 2017.
2017 (with Peter Jakobsson) At the intersection of commons and market: Negotiations of value in open-sourced cultural production. International Journal of Cultural Studies 20(1): 14–30.
2016 Data that warms: Waste heat, infrastructural convergence and the computation traffic commodity. Big Data & Society 3 (2): 1 – 10.
2016 Free software beyond radical politics: negotiations of creative and craft autonomy in digital visual media production. Media and Communication 4(4).
2016 Open cultural production and the online gift economy: The case of Blender. First Monday 21(10), a special issue on the Economies of Internet edited by Kylie Jarrett [read]
2016 Ethnography of open cultural production: From participant observation to multi-sited participatory communication. In: Wildermuth N and Ngomba T (eds), Methodological Reflections on Researching Communication and/for Social Change, Palgrave.
2016 Negotiating Creative Autonomy. Experiences of Technology in Computer-Based Visual Media Production. In: Kramp L, Carpentier N, Hepp A, et al. (eds), Politics, Civil Society and Participation, Researching and Teaching Communication, pp. 185–195.
2016 Sharing technology and media as digital commons – sensibilities and tensions from making invisible things visible. In: Selected Papers of Internet Research, SPIR.
2016 Open movies and radical sharing online. Presentation delivered at the annual conference of Blender software users and developers. [watch]
2015 Between decommodification and recommodification: negotiations of value In open – source cultural production. In: Selected Papers of Internet Research, SPIR.
2015 (with Peter Jakobsson) The Production of Difference and Commensurability between Different Regimes of Value in Open Source Cultural Production. In: International Communications Association 2015, Puerto Rico, Conference paper.
2015 Value Creation Through Digital Commons: Complicating the Discourse. Antenna. Responses to Media and Culture
2014 Thresholds for participation in open animation production: a critical exploration of some assumptions on peer-production. In: Selected Papers of Internet Research, SPIR.
2014 Two weeks in Siberia with Morevna Project, open-source animation tools, and animé. Blog post.
2011 Search for spiritualism in a land now steeped in materialism, Deccan Herald, Bangalore.
2009 Vocational Training on Open Source Software – Needs Analysis, A report commissioned by Internet Society.
2008 (with Manon van Leeuwen and Guadalupe Morgado) Training for Open Source: A Need not a Luxury. In: Cunningham P and Cunningham M (eds), Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Amsterdam: IOS Press.
2006 (with Manon van Leeuwen and Bulen Özel) How to Avoid the Transformation of Barriers to OSS Adoption in Public Administration into Barriers for Regional Development. In: Cunningham P and Cunningham M (eds), Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Amsterdam: IOS Press.